Chengdu hosts 23rd China Cultural Tourism Global Forum

[business] Time:2024-06-03 19:22:09 Source:International Insight news portal

The 23rd China Cultural Tourism Global Forum (CTGF 2023) is held in Chengdu, southwest China’s Sichuan province, from May 25-27. [Photo/CTGF]

The 23rd China Cultural Tourism Global Forum (CTGF 2023) was recently held in Chengdu, southwest China's Sichuan province, from May 25-27. The forum convened experts from various sectors, including accommodation, catering, tourism and real estate, providing a dynamic platform for exploring emerging consumption trends and propelling Chinese brands toward sustainable and competitive cultural and commercial tourism initiatives.

CTGF 2023 focused on boosting the cultural tourism industry and driving rural revitalization by emphasizing the importance of forging connections across sectors. Key areas of interest included bridging gaps in funds and projects, fostering collaboration between brands and capital, nurturing synergies between talent and enterprises, and seamlessly integrating products and channels. Through these endeavors, the forum aimed to empower Chinese brands to expand their global footprint and actively adopt advanced technologies, resources, talent, funds, and business models from around the world.

The forum attracted close to 600 industry representatives who attened in person, while the online livestream attracted over 3 million viewers.

The event was coordinated by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and was organized by the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the China Tourism Academy. The World Tourism Organization, the Asia Pacific Hotel Association, and the China Chamber of Tourism also lent their support to the event.

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